Paiste 10" Signature Splash

Paiste 10" Signature Splash

10" SplashThe Splash of the Signature line provides an explosive, warm and very clear sound. Harmonious splash sound perfect for both studio and live situations.
Paiste 10" Signature Splash

Paiste 10" Signature Splash

10" SplashThe Splash of the Signature line provides an explosive, warm and very clear sound. Harmonious splash sound perfect for both studio and live situations.


175,50 €

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 (5/5)  - 12 voti
Vedi la distribuzione
  • Garanzia completa estesa fino a 3 anni Garanzia completa estesa fino a 3 anni
  • Spedizioni gratuite per ordini da € 29 Spedizioni gratuite per ordini da € 29
  • Formula 30 giorni soddisfatti o rimborsati Formula 30 giorni soddisfatti o rimborsati
• Suitable for applications in all volume spectra and musical styles
• Musical and expressive sound
• Very sensitive response but clear and powerful sound properties
• Exclusively made by hand

Scheda dati

Hand Hammered Cymbal
Hand Hammered Cymbal
Unità incluse
Unità incluse

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