Stratos Performer

Stratos Performer

Embouchure Trainer Set for all Brass Instruments
Stratos Performer

Stratos Performer

Embouchure Trainer Set for all Brass Instruments


113,40 €

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  • Garanzia completa estesa fino a 3 anni Garanzia completa estesa fino a 3 anni
  • Spedizioni gratuite per ordini da € 29 Spedizioni gratuite per ordini da € 29
  • Formula 30 giorni soddisfatti o rimborsati Formula 30 giorni soddisfatti o rimborsati
• With the STRATOS approach trainer system, a good embouchure develops by itself
• Playing without excessive pressure, which can damage the lips and strain the jaw muscles
• Brilliant sound, good technique and volume are the result
• Manufactured using materials from space and laser technology

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