• Deep Colour, x.v.Color, Lip Sync, HDMI uncompressed audio channels, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD, 2K, 4K and 3D are supported
• EDID and CEC signals are passed through from the source to the display
• Intelligent EDID Processing 8 (Kramer's I-EDIDPro): Intelligent EDID Processing
• Processing and pass-through algorithms enable plug-and-play operation with HDMI sources and displays
• Multi-channel audio extension: up to 32 channels of uncompressed digital stereo signals to support studio-quality surround sound
• RS-232 bidirectional extension: serial interface data flows in both directions and allows device control
• Bi-directional IR extension: IR data flows in both directions over the interface, allowing remote control of peripherals at both ends of the extension
• LED status indicators HDMI and HDBT
• Compact fanless DigiTOOL housing